Enabling your Business 24×7,
Anywhere & Everywhere

Statistics from Forbes 2021 showcase that Video Advertising is the most powerful and engaging tools for marketing. According to Insivia, a consumer can retain 95% of a message through a video as compared to the 10% of the same information given be text. Video marketers get 60% more qualified leads per year. Which is why all major corporations in the world are using Video enabled communication for their day to day businesses. Business Video communication tools that range from Presentations, Pro Demos, Training & development and other marketing allied Activities.

MOtion graphic video

demo video

Explainer Video

Video Testimonials

Interview or bytes

Process video

product launch video

LifeStyle Video

Exhibition capsule

Have you always wanted deeper engagement with your audience digitally?
Do you want your brand to be known as trustworthy and reliable?
DigiMedia is your answer to your prayers in this Digital World.
With DigiMedia your company can become a social media rock star!

social media campaign

Pandemic has taken a toll and affected various businesses by putting various restrictions. Many organizations have dealt with these challenges by shifting their business activity, digitally. You need an expert to present your business in the digital world, by the right means, at the right platform, at the right time and to the right people.

Media Designs curate tailor-made video and digital branding solutions that are Creative, Compelling and Cost Effective.

Over 21 Years
Serving 100+ Clients
From 20+ Industries
Across 125+ Global Cities



A Covid-proof shield making your business indestructible


Connect know to get your covid-shield, today
@+91-9811090090, info@mediandesigns.com 




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