Agency vs Freelancers: Which one is better for your video production

In order to differentiate, it is better to know the difference between agencies and freelancers first.

The agency consists of full-time people with full-fledged production equipment are available for a company that carries out various services for you depending upon what you need. The agency includes various types of services like marketing, designing, branding, developing and many more.


Freelancers on the other hand are the independent experts who are not linked to any of the company as a full-time employee. The freelancers specialize in a particular set of skills. They are strictly stuck to the niche they are experts in.

Both the agency and freelancer have its own pros and cons, let’s explore some of them for a better understanding:



Hiring an Agency

  1. Access to resources- when you hire an agency, you usually get yourself into a company that has tons of resources. An agency can get your work done a lot faster and quicker considering the resources are on the house. Since the agency hires people considering their expertise in mind which can help you in getting experts do the work with precision.


2. Speed- when you have access to resources it makes the entire process a lot easier, you have your own team, own resources and ideas unlike the freelancers. There is a huge chance that the agencies are more organised when it comes to work.


3. Specialization and expertise- while creating any type of video, the people who are making the video plays an essential role. So the agency makes it a little easy for you, agencies have an entire team of people who may be just right for you. They hold expertise and the comprehension to hold any type of task as per your requirements.


4. Accountability and scalability- The agencies have a well-established process and procedure to be accountable to someone. This process helps with large and complex projects. If any complex project comes the agency can easily scale up its team and allot it to the particular project.


5.  Communication- One of the major pros of hiring an agency is that they are available to resolve any kind of query and provide you the support you may need. They provide you with the adequate follow up and service strategy on the project and they also make sure that they have regular check in meetings so the clients have the proper update of the project.


6. In-house setup- Normally 90% of the video production agencies/houses have their own setup, with a wide variety of equipment and the team of professionals that carries out the shoot. Companies usually appreciate it as it can be more efficient than that of a freelancer.


Hiring a Freelancer

    1. Cost effectiveness- Freelancers generally have low cost as compared to that of an agency. If your product has a small and tight budget, hiring freelancers can be the suitable option as they can result in affordable rates.


    1. Portfolio assessment- You can easily judge a freelancer with the help of their portfolio which contains all of the work they have worked in the past.


    1. Personal attention- Freelancers usually take up one project at a time which can result in undivided attention to one client at a time.


    1. Time efficient- If you are a company who needs to get a project done in a short period of time, freelancers can be a good choice for them.


Hiring a agency will definitely help you to get a chance for best results out of the best ideas and made with utmost sincerity. Media Designs, A Delhi based full-fledged video production agency offers various filming and content generation solutions for Digital platform. you can visit our smart solutions page to understand our video production capability in much better way.

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