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Construction Timelapse: The Ultimate Guide to Capture Megaprojects

Construction time-lapse video is about telling the story of the process of construction which cannot be described in words. Time-lapse is one of the most effective methods for documenting any type of event in motion. Turning perfectly timed shots into a stunning visual presentation. The timelpase could be seconds, minutes, or days part. Construction time-lapse video is the art of combining perfectly timed shots into a stunning visual presentation.


The slow-moving process of capturing consistent pictures over time and compiling them together to create a short speed-up video of the whole process is a construction time-lapse video.


A construction site is captured periodically from setting stones to unveiling the grandeur compiled together in a short video of 2 to 3 minutes.


Benefits of a Construction Time-lapse Video

Long-term Construction Time-lapse provides multiple benefits from the perspective of marketing. Time-lapse photography is a great way to document the progress of your project. You can show how something was built or created, or simply capture an event as it happens.


1. Works as a portfolio

Simply describing or presenting a picture doesn’t cut it anymore. A visual presentation of your project of days, months, or years compiled into a short video is the perfect portfolio. It goes a long way in pitching your work to potential clients.


2. A record of your progress

Construction projects take years to complete. A Construction Time-lapse works as an update on the progress of your project. It is the perfect tool to deliver updates to your investors and stakeholders. It is a unique way of keeping stakeholders invested and updated on the progress throughout the project.



3. Saves up the project cost

It is a proven fact that using time-lapse video can save up to 30% on the project cost. Time-lapse videos are an effective way to show the progress of your construction project. This helps you get more value out of your money and also reduces project delays due to a lack of communication between contractors and customers, which could otherwise cause delays in finishing the job on time.



4. Creates excitement among people

 Documenting the journey of the process creates anticipation among those interested in what is to come. Time-lapse triggers excitement and keeps the people hooked on your project waiting for the finished work to unfold. 


Construction time-lapse is a great way to show the progress of a project. It can be used to show the progress of the project or even just one specific part of it. For example, if you are working on an industrial machine and want to give people an idea of how much longer it will take before that new machine is operational, then an industrial time lapse could be very helpful in showing its progress.


In order for your industrial time-lapse video to look good however, there are some things that need careful consideration:


A solid and high-quality camera is the first thing you’ll need for your project. The camera should have a good lens (zoom lens or prime lens) and be capable of recording in FULL HD or 4K. It should also have a large storage media card so you can save all your footage.



Next, you’ll want to make sure that you have a constant power source for your camera so it can record the footage. Invest in a voltage converter so that everything works properly when it’s plugged into an outlet or battery charger (which also helps keep dust out of your camera).


Finally, if possible, try to get weather-proof or water-proof cases for your camera as well as a Pelican case that keeps everything safe from rain and snow storms.


Media Designs are a pioneer in the construction time-lapse segment and bring in a unique and fresh approach to time-lapse. We have been working with leading companies and bringing our clients the best value for money.


We have a team of experienced photographers and videographers who are able to capture every moment of your project from start to finish by using state-of-the-art equipment such as drones, high definition cameras, 4K video cameras, etc. Our work has been appreciated by our clients who love their videos because they provide them with detailed information about what is happening during each phase of their projects so that everything goes smoothly without any problems arising due to lack thereof!


If you’re looking for a company that will be able to take your project from start to finish, then look no further. We can help you with all aspects of construction time-lapse photography so that you know exactly what it takes before committing yourself and your money!

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