Why Surveillance & DSLR Cameras Fall Short in capturing the Construction Timelapse

When it comes to visual documentation, cameras play a pivotal role in capturing the essence of diverse scenarios. However, it is crucial to recognize the distinct purposes and functionalities of construction timelapse, surveillance and DSLR cameras. This articles delves into the unique attributes of each, emphasizing the importance of choosing the right tool for the job.


Construction Timelapse Cameras:

Construction timelapse cameras are built for the purpose of capturing the evolution of construction projects over an extended period of time.

These cameras are designed to create a condensed, time-efficient visual narrative of the entire construction process. Equipped with water-resistant features and long-lasting batteries, they are positioned strategically to provide a comprehensive view of the project’s progress.


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Surveillance Cameras:

On the other hand, Surveillance cameras are tailored for real time monitoring and security applications. Typically positioned strategically to cover only specific areas, surveillance cameras prioritize live streaming and immediate alerts. Unlike construction timelapse cameras, many surveillance cameras lack battery operation, relying on continuous power supply. This limitation restricts the choice of an optimal location to capture the entire construction view. While the surveillance cameras are good to tackle diverse weather conditions, they are not made to withstand harsh weather conditions often present in construction environment over an extended period of time. Surveillance camera data management often poses a space challenge, with a single month’s worth of footage consuming up to 400GB. Hence, surveillance cameras are programmed for real time monitoring, and it lacks the automation required for continuous timelapse capture.


DSLR Cameras:

DSLR cameras are renowned for their exceptional image quality and versatility. While they are not inherently designed for continuous shooting over extended periods, they offer unparalleled control over manual settings, making them ideal for capturing high-resolution images. However, construction timelapse requires continuous shooting which the DSLR cannot offer due to its limited battery life. Additionally, the storage demands for DSLR camera data are substantial, averaging 200GB per week. Another major concern with the DSLR cameras is its lens sensitivity. The lens of DSLR cameras are vulnerable to dust, water, heat, etc. Thus a DSLR camera cannot handle the harsh weather condition that a construction timelapse camera is privy to.

While surveillance and DSLR cameras excel in their respective domains, they may not be the best fit for the nuanced art of construction timelapse. The demands of extended interval shooting, weather resistance, battery life, and automation necessitate purpose-built construction timelapse cameras. Investing in specialized equipment ensures reliable and captivating documentation of the construction journey, where every frame contributes to the visual narrative of progress.

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